30 Jan 2013

Knitting Nancy

En clase hemos hablado de tricotar, de como funcionan las máquinas tricotosas, y hasta de como hacer tricot con los dedos.
Se ha hablado de la mítica Knitting Nancy,  y aquí os dejo unos links curiosos sobre el tema:
-Como fabricarse una Knitting Nancy con material reciclado.
-Una perfomance con una Knitting Nancy gigante como protagonista.
-Y un Pinterest de coleccionistas de Knitting Nancies etc.

27 Jan 2013

Dyeing Workshop

The week before Christmas, we (the onLand Team) had the pleasure to hold a workshop @Elisava Design School. It was about dyeing, and we really had a lot of fun!
Here's a link to a journal we made to resume the four-days workshop. Enjoy it!

16 Jan 2013

More about washing and care labels

In this very useful page you can find info about garment washing and care.
Among the many pages, you can find:
-English-Español label translator
-The symbols for care instructions in hi-res graphics
-The Care Labeling Rule. It's a USA law, but really helpful as a reference for the DOs and DONTs in the care labeling

And much more.